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How to give a wedding toast if you’re shyToasting

How to give a wedding toast if you’re shy

Public speaking is America’s biggest phobia, according to a survey on American Fears conducted by Chapman University. So how do you give a wedding toast if you’re shy? After all, one out of four of your neighbors are terrified of getting up before a crowd and talking. It’s not as…
Columbus Pro DJs
August 23, 2021
best wedding toastToasting

The best wedding toast ever? YouTube bursts with self-proclaimed ‘best wedding toast ever’ videos. Few are. Most are bloated, meandering wrecks. One of our own favorites was but 65 seconds long. However, it would be pretty hard to top Lin-Manuel Miranda’s. Mr. Miranda is the composer and star of the epic Broadway musicals, “Hamilton” …
Columbus Pro DJs
June 14, 2021
wedding toast disastersToasting

10 ways to make your wedding toast a disaster It is so easy to blow a wedding toast. We hear a lot of mediocre toasts every month and a lot of really bad ones. Occasionally, we hear a gem. If you’d prefer to deliver a wedding toast disaster, here are 10 tips: 1. Make it long Most toasts…
Columbus Pro DJs
May 3, 2021
movie wedding toastsToasting

Make ‘em cry and you’ve given a great wedding toast! The best Columbus wedding toasts make your audience laugh and cry. Here’s the rub: it’s harder to make people laugh than cry. Not everything is funny. So Owen Wilson’s advice to Rachel McAdams in "The Wedding Crashers" (above) is spot-on: speak from the heart, make e’m cry, and your…
Columbus Pro DJs
November 16, 2020
toasting etiquetteToasting

Toasting etiquette has evolved

How times have changed! We came across an old etiquette guide from the 19th century called Dunbar’s Complete Handbook of Etiquette. In that era, toasting etiquette didn’t allow women to make toasts. Here’s an excerpt: Before the ‘healths’ (toasts) are drunk, the wedding cake should be cut and handed round.…
Columbus Pro DJs
March 16, 2020