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The simplest, most affordable way to avoid wedding one-upmanship wedding one-upmanshipBudget

The simplest, most affordable way to avoid wedding one-upmanship

Don't let wedding one-upmanship bust your budget Wedding celebrations are beautiful. They’re all about love, except when you spend beyond your means. Sadly, it’s easy to overspend because of a human condition called ‘wedding one-upmanship.’ But there’s a cure. More on that in a second. You know how wedding one-upmanship…
Columbus Pro DJs
March 22, 2021
Avoid wedding debt avoid wedding debtBudget

Avoid wedding debt

Pay for your Columbus wedding with cash and avoid wedding debt. That’s the message from Taylor Moore, finance and insurance writer for She points out that fighting over money is the number one cause of stress in marriages, so starting your wedding off in debt due to overspending on…
Columbus Pro DJs
February 1, 2021