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Don’t make this mistake at your wedding!

By February 22, 2021Wedding planning

wedding mistakeWedding planning can be stressful, because it requires you to make over one-thousand decisions on a deadline. With so many choices along the way, it’s easy to make a wedding mistake here or there. Brides Magazine pointed out the most common in a recent article:


The path to “I do” is littered with missteps.

They point out a common mistake that relates to the entertainment:

“You forget about the volume of the music.”

This is never a problem when you go with Columbus Pro DJs. We worry about the volume and control it so you can simply enjoy your celebration without worry.

The article says:

“Make selections that appeal to everyone, and conduct a sound check before the guests arrive in the room. If those who opt not to dance can’t carry on a conversation, then the music is too loud.”

Here’s where equipment and sensitivity matter. Columbus Pro DJs brings the most refined equipment on the market so we can bathe your hall with clear, pure and controlled sound.

We understand that wedding entertainment isn’t all about performance, it’s about participation, too. When music is controlled, guests can still converse when they take a break from the dance floor. This is so important. After all, weddings bring families and friends together who may not have seen each other in years. They want to catch up.

Sometimes bands don’t understand this. They think the event is all about them and they blast music to every corner of your hall, drowning out any opportunity for conversation.

With Columbus Pro DJs, we also can saturate every corner of your hall with beautiful music, but in a clear, controlled way. Dance floors rock! But guests can talk. We strike the perfect balance that matters to Columbus couples.

This is one wedding mistake you can cross off your list of worries! Here’s another: our client wedding planning tools make the planning process easy so you can simply relax and enjoy the journey.

For more information about our professional wedding entertainment services, call 614-224-1945.

Columbus Pro DJs

Author Columbus Pro DJs

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