@buzzfeeduk Cash bars and the Cha Cha Slide are OUT in 2025. What else would you ban? You’re Cordially Invited is now streaming on Prime Video! #yourecordiallyinvited #ReeseWitherspoon #WillFerrell
Actors Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon have a new wedding movie coming out called, “You’re Cordially Invited.” Will Ferrell’s wedding no-no’s were revealed on his promotional tour for the movie (above).
Ferrell claimed that if he could have things his way, he’d ban cash bars. Hmmm … we think many readers of this blog may take issue with this wealthy, Hollywood icon.
For the record, Mr. Ferrell is rich. He has starred in one blockbuster movie after another, earning as much $20 million dollars in some of these films. CelebrityNetWorth.com estimates his net worth at $160 million. And he hangs out with other Hollywood royalty worth millions and million of dollars.
Here’s how much open bars cost wedding couples
In other words, they and their families can afford to pay for open bars. Many working class couples can’t. So their list of wedding no-no’s may not exactly align with yours. As you can see in a graphic created by The Knot (above), open bars can cost couples somewhere between $2700 (in Mid-Atlantic areas) to $4300 (in the Northeast). Sure … that’s chump change to the likes of Will Ferrell, but for real folks operating on a budget, it can be a significant wedding budget expense.
Some couples split the difference by providing an open bar for a portion of the evening, and then shifting to a cash bar after dinner.
So, what is Will Ferrell’s other wedding no-no? The Macarena. Some people think it’s been overplayed, but others love it. Columbus Pro DJ’s philosophy is it’s up to you. It’s YOUR wedding. We will curate a wedding playlist based on YOUR taste, even if it means Will Ferrell stays home!
Check us out without obligation. To us, the only wedding no-no is a boring event. We know how to pack dance floors! We know how to show your guests a night they’ll remember.