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A bride discusses her wedding regrets

People tend to dwell on their regrets in life, often to their detriment. Let’s face it, you can’t change the past. On the other hand, we can learn from others’ regrets, especially when it comes to their wedding regrets. 

A wellness website called “Well With Courtney” shared some interesting wedding regrets, as presented in the videos below.

A few stood out:

  • “Going to bed at 2AM the night BEFORE our wedding.” Bad move. Wedding days are exhausting because they are so non-stop exhilarating. You need plenty of sleep so you don’t run out of gas too soon. The dance floor alone can wipe you out (especially the way we can pack it!), so be sure you get plenty of rest the night before.
  • “Inviting too many guests.” Courtney said it spread her too thin. She was meeting some people for the first time, putting a lot of pressure on her. It’s tough to balance the desires of moms and dads who want to invite their friends and those of bride and groom who can have a lot of demands put on them on a day they should be savoring. And of course, inviting too many guests can be budget-busters. Try to find the sweet spot.
  • “Not eating dinner.” Courtney said she and her husband were running around so much they never got dinner and dessert. Bad move. You need the food to get your batteries recharged … and to just relax. That’s easier to do when your guest list isn’t too big.

These three points make a lot of sense. Keep them in mind as you plan your wedding day. You know what else makes a lot of sense? Entertainment makes the event. Columbus Pro DJs specializes in dance-floor packing wedding entertainment. We provide the three pillars of wedding entertainment: great DJ music and entertainment; decor lighting; photo booth. Make your event regret-free. Check out our availability today.