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Practical wedding logistics

wedding logisticsWeddings have timelines, which we’ve written about before. A timeline is a schedule. But wedding schedules involve even more. They involve logistics, which is all about coordination. Here are a few wedding logistics considerations to keep in mind.

Where will you get dressed? Does the ceremony location have a suitable space for bride, bridesmaids, groom, and groomsmen? All of the above? Some of the above? Or none of the above?

Will your reception take place at a different location than your ceremony? This affects your timeline and what to do with your guests until you arrive.

When and where will you take wedding photographs? Will you plan on ‘first look’ photography (before the ceremony) or more traditional post-ceremony portraiture?

Will you have a reception line? If yes, where? If not, how will you greet guests?

Does your venue impose noise or curfew restrictions? This affects your music as well as putting time pressure on your party to finish on time. By the same token, be sure you’ve got key vendors such as bands, djs, photographers, and videographers scheduled for as much time as your event runs.

How will you handle gifts if guests bring them to your ceremony? What about the reception? Where will you put them? Where do you want them taken after your event, and who will be responsible for transporting them?

Timelines and logistics can be daunting. Columbus Pro DJs makes it all much easier for you with online pre-planning tools exclusively for our clients. Learn more today without obligation. Let Columbus Pro DJs maximize your peace of mind on your wedding day.

Columbus Pro DJs

Author Columbus Pro DJs

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