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Planning your wedding timeline

wedding timelineEvery wedding is different. Most, though, share common elements, so planning a wedding timeline is pretty predictable.

You should plan your wedding timeline accordingly.

12 months


Guest list

Hire wedding planner

Select venue

Select caterer

11 months

Color themes and design

Hire the fun and memory maker vendors early, including the entertainment. Remember, popular dates book fast!

10 months

Shop for dress

Block out rooms for guests

Create website

Engagement photos

Shop invitations

9 months

Buy gown

8 months

Set up gift registry

Bridesmaids dresses/fittings

Shop florists

Hire officiant

7 months

Rehearsal dinner venue

Hire ceremony musicians

Order rental items

5 months

Book guest transportation

Book couple’s transportation

Book honeymoon

Rent tuxedos

Premarital counseling

4 months

Final tasting with caterer

Choose cake

Wedding bands

Groomsmen attire/fitting

Hair/make up trial

3 months

Order invitations

Plan menu

Guest favors/gift bags

Photo booth

Write vows

Select readings

Meet officiant/invite to rehearsal dinner

2 months

Start wedding invitations

Send out rehearsal dinner invites

First dress fitting

Pick up marriage license

Buy wedding party gifts

Floral mock up

Firm up music selections with DJ

Song selections for ceremony musicians

Pay vendors in full

1 month

Create seating chart

Order or make place cards

Final venue walk through

Tip envelopes

Break in wedding shoes


Is this wedding timeline rigid? Not really, but it is a helpful guideline for your Columbus wedding.

For example, wedding couples surveyed after the wedding tend to regret underspending on services that provide the fun (like the DJ) and the memories. Sometimes, they wait too long, and the good ones are gone.

That’s why when it comes to DJ entertainment for your event, you don’t want to wait too long. Columbus Pro DJs gets booked very early for popular dates. Check us out today without obligation.

Columbus Pro DJs

Author Columbus Pro DJs

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