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First wedding dance advice for lousy dancers

By June 10, 2024Dance

The satyrical website, The Babylon Bee, poked some gentle fun at wedding couples who simply can’t dance. Believe us, there are lots of them. Some people just don’t have any sense of rhythm. For them, we offer some practical first wedding dance advice.

First, let’s savor a little wedding humor from the Babylon Bee:

Baptist couple Ken and Elizabeth Baker had a beautiful wedding ceremony over the weekend, complete with the cutting of the cake, moving speeches and toasts, and the couple’s first awkward sway on the dance floor. As a romantic song began to play, the couple timidly approached one another on the dance floor and proceeded to awkwardly sway through the song as emotional friends and family members looked on.

You can read the rest of their satire here.

There’s nothing wrong with an awkward sway if that’s all you’re able to muster for your first dance. Our first wedding dance advice would be to simply spend time with a good Youtube dance tutorial, like the one we shared above.

It doesn’t take a whole lot of work to transform your awkward sway into a simple, but elegant dance step.

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