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Destination wedding etiquette

Destination wedding etiquetteIf you’re thinking of a destination wedding, you’re probably wondering what is proper destination wedding etiquette on your end … and on your guests’ end.

A father wrote to Miss Manners still seething over his son’s pre-COVID destination wedding. The father paid to wine and dine guests for the rehearsal dinner, and the bride’s parents did the same for the wedding reception.

Here’s his gripe: none of the guests “coughed up” a wedding present after they got home. The father expressed his simmering irritations like this:

“Geez Louise, they were treated to two nights of dinners and unlimited drinks! I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, especially after all these years, but it may be helpful to other out-of-country wedding guests to know the proper etiquette when attending weddings.”

What do you think? What is destination wedding etiquette in this situation?

Are guests still obligated to ‘cough up’ a gift when they attend such an affair? Or is their ‘presence’ their present?

Miss Manners had little sympathy for this overwrought father’s rant. She pointed out how oblivious he was to the fact that guests shelled out some serious dollars to pay for airfare, hotel, additional meals, and the “oxymoronic beach formalwear” that is so often insisted upon. Many, maybe most, sacrificed personal vacation time.

Miss Manners closed with a zinger:

“So the proper etiquette here is that, geez Louise, the guests do not need to agree to all of this. And even if they do, presents are optional — although Miss Manners will concede that it is impolite to state that so explicitly.”

Let us close with a little humor from comedian Pat Tomasulo:

“Only two groups of people like destination weddings. People in their twenties because they’re broke and it’s an open bar. And people in their seventies because they’re just happy they’re not at a funeral.”

Columbus Pro DJs knows from experience that the only ‘destination’ your guests really want or need is the dance floor. That’s where they’ll have the most fun in the hands of our professional MC/DJs. And sticking with a Columbus wedding is a whole lot more affordable than any destination wedding. Check us out!

Columbus Pro DJs

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