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How to ruin your wedding day

By January 1, 2024Uncategorized

how to ruin your weddingLast year produced some crazy wedding stories, some of which we’ve previously recounted. Here’s one more from 2023 on how to ruin your wedding day.

Reddit is a good source for these stories, especially the subreddit titled “Am I the A-hole?”

So in one story, the bride insisted on the wedding invitation that guests NOT WEAR WHITE.

So what happened? You guessed it … one person wore white. And who was this monster? The bride’s 6-year old nephew who had the audacity to wear a white bowtie and white jeans.

This sent the bride into a complete meltdown, who fled to the restroom with her face in her hands. The groom wondered where the heck his bride was, and tracked her down in the bathroom where he found her sitting on the floor sobbing with mascara running down her cheeks.

He asked what was wrong and tried to console her. But when she insisted that the little tyke either change his clothes or else be kicked out of the celebration, the groom demurred, and told her she was being insecure and selfish on their wedding day.

That didn’t go over well. The couple are no longer speaking.

This blog has three reactions:

  1. Grow up.
  2. Grow up.
  3. Grow up.

Some wedding etiquette experts say there’s nothing wrong asking guests not to wear white. This blog prefers more general guidelines where you suggest broad categories, such as cocktail attire, formal, semi-formal, or black tie.

It just seems kind of picky telling people what they can’t wear.

Needless to say, the bride in this situation is the one being the child, not her 6-year old nephew. Her reaction is way over the top, and reveals a level of self-absorption that is highly concerning. Everyone has experienced a bridezilla at some point. This bride takes the cake.

The couple needs wedding counseling fast if she’s giving her hubby the silent treatment on day one of their wedding journey.

So how to ruin a wedding? Just do what the bride above did. The better question: how do you make your wedding celebration a smashing success? Simply hire Columbus Pro DJs to provide your wedding entertainment. Our elite DJ/MCs know how to create so much fun on the dance floor and off that no one will even notice what any of your guests are wearing, including you.

Our recommendation: focus on the fun. Check us out.

Columbus Pro DJs

Author Columbus Pro DJs

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