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What you can learn from ‘Bennifer’s’ celebrity wedding

By September 5, 2022Celebrity wedding

Two big stars just married. We’re sure you read all about the marriage of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, which has been dubbed ‘Bennifer’s celebrity wedding.

Ben + Jennifer = Bennifer. Got it?!

Why we love celebrity weddings

Celebrity weddings are fun to read about for 3 reasons: 

  1. The wedding gown.
  2. The budget.
  3. The guest list.

Regarding the gown, Ms. Lopez didn’t disappoint. She showcased not one, not two, but three different gowns designed by Ralph Lauren, which you can watch being sewn above. The gown she actually wore during the ceremony was ‘thrown together’ using 1000 handkerchiefs stitched together along with 500 meters of fabric which were cut into ruffles.

Couture experts say each gown cost at least $1 million apiece, and the second one probably twice as much, because of the use of pearls, 11,000 Swarovski crystals, thousands of sequins, and handmade lace.

What a ring!

Regarding the engagement ring, Mr. Affleck went all out with a ring sporting a rare green diamond. Diamond expert, Mike Fried, CEO of Diamond Pro gushed:

“A green diamond of that size is incredibly rare and would dwarf the value from her previous engagement ring.  I would value the ring at more than 5 million dollars and it could be worth more than 10 million.”

How much did the whole affair cost? The Daily Mail speculated that is was around $400,000, not counting all the gowns and rings. But who knows? Lots. After all, if the guest list includes the likes of Matt Damon, Jimmy Kimmel, and Kevin Smith, a Bennifer celebrity wedding isn’t going to scrimp! The happy couple insisted on a strict dress code, though: everyone had to wear all white. 

Ms. Lopez, by the way, has performed a bevy of delightful love songs. In a poll of her fans, NSF said her best is Let It Be Me. The lyrics are quite nice in parts:

“If you ever meet your last breath,

Let me be the last word you say,

And if right comes, but you choose left,

I will be the first to forgive.”

Take a listen and let us know if you’d like us to play this or other Jennifer Lopez songs at your wedding celebration:

Here’s what you can learn from Bennifer’s celebrity wedding: you don’t have to spend like a celebrity to have a celebration for the ages. 

Columbus Pro DJs knows how to entertain at a price point that hits the sweet spot for regular folks who deserve the best on their big day. A Bennifer celebrity wedding may be fun to read about. But yours’ will be so much better! Check out our availability right now, as we are really getting booked ahead.

Columbus Pro DJs

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